May Twin Falls Photo Contest Underway; Gift Cards To Be Awarded
The month of May is National Photography Month in the United States. The city of Twin Falls is holding a photo contest through the end of the month, and gift cards will be awarded to the top three winners.
If you plan on social-distancing at some of your favorite hiking spots or waterways in the next three weeks, carrying a camera with you could benefit you greatly. A new Twin Falls photography contest has begun to celebrate the month of May, and the top three vote-getters will earn gift cards to area restaurants.
The details of the contest were recently shared on the Twin Falls Economic Development Instagram page. If you don't have Instagram, just install it on your phone, search for TFED, and follow them. The rules are simple.
Post one of your favorite area photographs in the comment section where you see the City of Twin Falls Photo Contest details. Photo submissions will be accepted through May 24, 2020, and the photo with the most votes by followers of TFED will win a $50 gift card to a city restaurant. Second place wins a $30 gift card, and third a $10 gift card.
Voting will take place the last week of May. Photographs must be taken within Twin Falls city limits. Submissions have begun, so start snapping away. For more information on Twin Falls Economic Development, click here.
Good luck. Remember, photos need to be shared to the comments section of the TFED's Instagram page.