National Liberals Target Several Idaho Legislators
One Idaho Legislator told me she’s disappointed she didn’t make the list. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which is neither impoverished and in some cases not very lawful, has posted a story about last week’s election. It warns several winning candidates across the country are very bad people. Some have followed the Q conspiracy online. Some have had their pictures taken with Ammon Bundy. Some are friendly with members of the John Birch Society. Some even support the Family Research Council (an organization promoting traditional values).
Liberals like to maintain they’re the righteous in this country but U.S. Representative Steve Scalise may attest otherwise.
Several Idaho State Legislators made the list. Some are people I know. I can say they’re very nice people and well-meaning when it comes to their politics and associations. Those named include one Representative from a district partly in the Magic Valley. It’s Christy Zito, who is moving on to the State Senate after picking up her usual three-quarters of the Election Day vote.
After seeing her name, she wrote me a reply. “Not joking when I ask, when do you think they will be at my door,” she said.
This isn’t a joke. A flaming liberal madman attacked the offices of the Family Research Council after seeing it on the SPLC’s list. The madman shot a security guard before he was stopped.
Liberals like to maintain they’re the righteous in this country but U.S. Representative Steve Scalise may attest otherwise. Or U.S. Senator Rand Paul. Now we’ve got some liberal politicians and former Democrat National Committee staffers planning to compile lists on people who worked for, donated to or voted for President Trump. By the way, I voted for the guy twice. This is all taking place as their guy pledges to unite everyone and the media amplifies his claim. We’re being played.
LOOK: Here are 50 political terms you should know before the upcoming election
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