‘Our Teenager Is an Idiot’ Craigslist Ad Is Parenting Brilliance
One set of parents in Shreveport, Louisiana, is winning the Internet today with a Craigslist posting to sell a vehicle they had promised their son once he graduated from high school.
While the title of the post, "Our teenager is an idiot," might seem a little harsh, the post goes into pretty solid detail as to why these parents have decided to sell their son's 1996 Lexus LS450 instead of giving it to him.
It appears the ad was written by his mother, who you can tell is not only angry at her son, but pretty broken-hearted, too. Here she goes:
Our teenage son is an idiot.
There he was. His future was bright. A week away from high school graduation, he was college bound and poised to inherit the Holy Grail of his teenage years. The truck he had been pining away for his entire adolescent existence. Mom's truck.
In a universe full of mystery, this young man's biggest questions in life were, 'How can I exist in the presence of such a bad ass truck and not be allowed to touch it?' And 'When's dinner?'. But I digress......
1 week before we were going to give him the truck, it came to light that the little [expletive] got married in a clandestine ceremony in South Carolina over spring break. He came back home like nothing had happened.
As his blushing and surprisingly older bride came to town to claim her new husband, we had to tell the happy new couple that they would NOT be receiving the coveted truck. We did not want it eventually sold to pay the divorce lawyer. We'd rather sell it to you, you lucky, lucky people.
Whoever his mother is, she's a brilliant writer. She goes on to explain the specs of the truck, and finishes with a final dig at what her just-graduated son did.
This truck is perfect for anybody, really.
$5500. Buy it today before your teenager ruins their life and breaks your heart.
We had to take our phone number off of this ad. My poor husband can't handle the stress. Emails only, please.
As of right now, the ad has been up for less than 24 hours and it's blowing up the Internet. Hopefully it can all be worked out. Either way, bravo parents!