Thank you President Donald J. Trump for your conciliatory words to the nation last night. I hope you will quickly invite...

Posted by Franklin Graham on Friday, January 8, 2021

How does a Christian respond to the growing threat of a second American civil war?  After the vote by Congress to certify the results of the latest Presidential Election, the country is like a tinderbox.  In an effort to find a course of reconciliation, Reverend Franklin Graham suggested President and Mrs. Trump invite President-Elect and Mrs. Biden to dinner at the White House.  Graham made the suggestion on his Facebook account.  I started reading the comments following his post and concluded many people aren't being very Christian. 

I'll be the first to admit I've harbored some dark thoughts about the political opposition.  I'm also embarrassed by some of those thoughts.

People are angry and I fully admit I'm one of them.  I also have concerns about human nature.  It's the same as it was two-thousand years ago.  It's the same as it was in Rwanda in the 1990s.  Or in the former Yugoslavia in the late 1990s.  We say it can't happen here but a lot of our countrymen struggle to see the opposition as fully human.  Last week a prominent writer took to Twitter and said he wanted to punch and kill Christians.  He blames people of faith for the spread of coronavirus (he wasn't held to the same standard as President Trump and still has an active account!)

Over the weekend I had conversations with two friends who work very hard to live in imitation of Christ.  Coach Pete Coulson and Pastor Paul Thompson.  They are also politically conservative.  They also believe we need to find a solution before we reach widespread bloodshed.

I'll be the first to admit I've harbored some dark thoughts about the political opposition.  I'm also embarrassed by some of those thoughts.  I'm too old to war with my neighbors.  You can listen to the conversations by clicking on the Rumble video here.


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