Idaho’s Way of Life Imperiled by New Truck Rules
How are you going to the ranch with an electric pickup truck? Or load potatoes? Or cut crops without diesel? Think about how long the trucks are in the fields during the potato harvest. How long would an electric charge last?
I know a garage door salesman and his trucks are on the road from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City. He has appointments and clients up and down Interstate 15. If his trucks have to stop every 150 miles for a lengthy charge, how many doors can he service or sell between charging stations?
Where Can You Charge?
Another friend drives a truck to Boise and back every day. It’s a round trip over 260 miles. If he needs to charge at 150 miles, how does that make his business more efficient or even profitable?
A pickup truck could charge in your garage when you’re sleeping, but what happens if you don’t have a garage?
Who'll Pay for This?
Large trucks would require 15,000 new charging stations every month until 2030 (I read the figure on Monday). Who’ll pay for that? Where does the copper come from? How many security guards will be needed to guard against copper thieves? The crime is happening across the United States and Canada.
Has anyone on Team Biden thought this through? How about you tree-hugging granola-gobblers?
I didn’t think so!
We are absolutely going down the wrong road. Pun intended. If we don’t have an immediate reversal, the economy and even our civilization are threatened.
Yes, this is the most important election of our lifetimes.