Peter Fonda Should’ve Been Jailed for the Movie Idaho Transfer
Let’s be honest, the member of the Fonda family with a lack of talent should be jailed.
It was shot in such locations as Bruneau Dunes and Craters of the Moon.
Not for anything mean or stupid he tweeted this week but for crimes against cinema. When I saw the movie Easy Rider I couldn’t understand the description “cult classic”. It was awful. The actors seemed to be reading their lines while asleep and the dialogue was so hokey I laughed. And it wasn’t a comedy.
Then in 1973 Fonda put his talents behind a film called Idaho Transfer. It was shot in such locations as Bruneau Dunes and Craters of the Moon. The actors (all but one) were people recruited off the street. The camera must have been purchased at a second hand store and once more the dialogue was weak.
After 15 minutes I turned it off. I should think if you forced prisoners to view it you could be violating the cruel and unusual punishment standard.
Why would anyone take a brain addled dope like Peter Fonda in any was seriously?
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