Politicians in Both Idaho and California Whore Themselves Out
They wear the same plain suits. Men in shades of gray, women in shades of blue and red. They all say they’re fighting for you! They all insist they’re working hard. Unlike those lazy people milking cows, fixing cars, and working in factories. Or double shifts at the convenience store to feed the kids.
They differ in that the political majority in California will tell you big government is costly but good for you. The majority in Idaho will argue they believe in small government and are frugal (despite the spending binge of the last half-dozen years).
They only differ in that work on different sides of the street in the red-light district. They’re for sale. They put out a shingle and welcome campaign contributions from special interests. Then they twist themselves into knots explaining it doesn’t influence their voting patterns. Are politicians dishonest? They are on this count.
Let’s talk about the clout being purchased by teacher unions. Here and here. Every year, the Idaho legislative session opens with claims we’ll get school choice. Then we get diddly squat. Why is that? Because the unions buy legislators’ mouths. They start spouting the same talking points.
Have you noticed what happens to legislators who challenge legalized whoredom? They don’t get the special interest cash, and opponents get even more special interest dollars. The money buys campaign advertising that tells you the honest guy crushes puppies, slaps babies, and pees on the Stars and Stripes.
The sad thing is, many of you believe it because it was on TV or the Internet. Edward Bernays!
I don’t have much hope I’ll ever see this come to an end. The line at the trough is, however, the path straight to hell.