Semi-truck Takes Out Power Pole South of Filer, Road Blocked
FILER, Idaho (KLXI)-Authorities say a milk truck that lost control after hitting black ice took out several power poles that came down on U.S. Highway 93 south of Filer this morning.
According to Idaho State Police, the accident happened at just before 12:30 a.m. at the intersection of U.S. Hwy 93 and East 3800 North when the semi pulling two empty milk tankers hit the black ice headed south. The truck went across into the northbound lanes, off the shoulder, hit a stop sign and then a power pole. The driver, 32-year-old Antonio Hernandez-Guzman, was wearing a seat belt.
The downed power pole blocked both lanes of the highway; as off 7:50 a.m. Idaho Transportation Department's 511 website indicated the road was still blocked while Idaho Power crews worked to repair the power line.