Southern Idaho Needs Local Control Over Schools
Throwing money at schools doesn’t improve test scores. Or not for high school students. Robert Samuelson is a columnist for the Washington Post. He writes primarily about economic issues and government spending.
As we approach the 2020 battle for the Presidency it’s also a challenge for the hearts and minds of the American people. And many of those minds are in need of remedial care.
Conducted by professors from prestigious universities and they find what everyone else has verified for the last 50 years. Public education isn’t working.
Samuelson cites some of the latest research. Conducted by professors from prestigious universities and they find what everyone else has verified for the last 50 years. Public education isn’t working.
Once kids get to high school what they’ve learned begins to slip away. Money doesn’t solve the problem.
You can read Samuelson’s column at this link. He recommends the federal government back away from schools and pronto! This is a plague lasting now generations. He recommends the solution is local. Is that a novel concept? Better yet would be school choice but then we would be battling unions and judges legislating from their benches for another generation.