Neither they nor their 588 fellow prisoners have, or will be, accorded nearly the level of prolonged national tribute, recognition and admiration that has been undeservedly heaped on John McCain.
This is why I’ve got no respect for the blowhards who call shows like mine and repeat the calumnies against McCain’s war service because they somehow believe the ends justify the means.
This morning, I saw a comment on social media asking where all of Hillary Clinton’s defenders are. It appears many of them have gone silent after seeing yesterday’s video of the former Secretary-of-State being poured into a campaign van...
Is John McCain a hero? He most certainly was 45-years-ago. Then he became a Republican politician and often disappointed the American right. I remind you Benedict Arnold was a hero immediately following the Battle-of-Saratoga. L...
Just to let you know Ted Cruz isn’t at the top of my Republican list. In my 53 years on this planet I’ve contributed to only two Presidential candidates. Meager contributions to Rand Paul as he prepares for 2016 and in 2000 to John McCain as I already had Bush fatigue...