I knew immediately it wasn’t an angry French Huguenot. Some guy wasn’t violent because a French King was mean to some Christian sect 400 years ago.
For the first time in more than 11 years, a major hurricane is toying with the continental United States. Liberal media screams global warming even though hurricanes of this magnitude are becoming increasingly rare. At the bottom of this page, you can see our Top Story discussion in a YouTube video...
A woman once stopped me during a remote broadcast and told me we had met at her church some years before. I expected a pleasant conversation when she blurted out, “I find you depressing!” When I asked why she shared, it’s because I’m so often the bearer of bad news...
Not every registered Democrat praises Karl Marx. In a post last weekend, I mentioned it’s often far too convenient for mainstream media and liberals to label every fellow American to the right-of-center a fascist. In heavily Republican Idaho, there are many differing factions...
A Muslim walks into a gay bar and mows down 100 people. Media covers it wall-to-wall until the narrative begins breaking down. If you recall in the first days after the Orlando shooting, it was said Omar Mateen was divorced, a closet homosexual and the poster boy for gun control...
When do we lock her up and throw away the key? A friend of mine is a retired undercover federal narcotics agent and suggested today there is now plenty of evidence for a conviction of Hillary Clinton. We had reaction to the ongoing Clinton scandal on Top Story...
Mainstream media is an enemy of the Republic. We’ve known for years the majority of ink stained wretches are morally bankrupt left leaning whiners. Now they’ve come out of the closet in their rabid efforts to drag Hillary Clinton across the finish line...