
Can people legally walk the Canyon Springs Road?
Can people legally walk the Canyon Springs Road?
Can people legally walk the Canyon Springs Road?
A new debate has sprung up at work and home about walkers, joggers, and bicyclists allowed along Canyon Springs Road, the steep grade taken to get to Centennial Park on the Snake River. Are people breaking the law when they are walking this steep grade?
Downtown Twin? Back It Up
Downtown Twin? Back It Up
Downtown Twin? Back It Up
There will be a back in parking demonstration today in downtown Twin Falls from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The demonstration will be conducted by the Twin Falls Urban Renewal Agency.
Parking During Western Days
Parking During Western Days
Parking During Western Days
This may seem like a silly question, but where should you park in Twin Falls during Western Days? There are events going on all weekend, and parking will be at a premium. Here are a few helpful and handy hints to get you and your wheels safely through Western Days 2014.
Meters Now at Half Price
Meters Now at Half Price
Meters Now at Half Price
(KLIX)-Now you can get Twin Falls downtown parking meters for half the price. The city dropped the price earlier in the week to the many parking meters taken down over the summer. The hope is to clear out the remaining inventory. You can get a single mechanical meter for $100, or a double head for $60 each...
City Council Take Down Parking Meter
City Council Take Down Parking Meter
City Council Take Down Parking Meter
(KLIX)- On Monday Twin Falls City Council decided to do away with the down town parking meters. On Tuesday the city began to shut down all meters and empty all the change. Anyone who went shopping down town found all the meters covered with bags...

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