
How Much Could The Government Save By Switching Fonts
How Much Could The Government Save By Switching Fonts
How Much Could The Government Save By Switching Fonts
It seems that politicians are always talking about budgets. We either have too much money (yeah right) or we don't have enough and we need to make cuts somewhere. How about this - how much could the government save by switching fonts on their printed papers?
Idaho to Get USS Enterprise Spent Nuclear Fuel
Idaho to Get USS Enterprise Spent Nuclear Fuel
Idaho to Get USS Enterprise Spent Nuclear Fuel
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — A Navy spokesman says spent nuclear fuel from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise that is being decommissioned Dec. 1 will be sent to eastern Idaho for study and storage. Tom Dougan of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program tells the Post Register the spent fuel from the ship's eight reactors will arrive at the Naval Reactors Facility at the Idaho National L
Dept. of Energy Wants INL Cleanup Extension
Dept. of Energy Wants INL Cleanup Extension
Dept. of Energy Wants INL Cleanup Extension
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — The U.S. Department of Energy has asked Idaho officials for an extension of one year on deadlines involving cleanup of high-level radioactive waste at the Idaho National Laboratory in eastern Idaho. The Post Register reports in a story published Wednesday that the federal agency failed to meet a September deadline to begin treating the waste at the Integrated Waste Treatm
Burley Officials To Ask For Judicial Review For Wastewater System
Burley Officials To Ask For Judicial Review For Wastewater System
Burley Officials To Ask For Judicial Review For Wastewater System
City leaders in  Burley say they'll go to a judge instead of voters for permission to take on $6 million in long-term debt to improve the city's wastewater system. Idaho law bars government entities from taking on long-term debt without voter approval, unless a judge agrees that the expense is ordinary and necessary to keep the government operating.
Another Consequence Of Conservation…Higher Fees
Another Consequence Of Conservation…Higher Fees
Another Consequence Of Conservation…Higher Fees
The recycling effort by Twin Falls residents is working so well, it’s causing another problem.  The Southern Idaho Solid Waste landfill near Burley is getting less tonnage of garbage.  Now, that may sound like a good thing but the problem is, that landfill depends on tons of garbage for its income as cities around the area pay by the ton to dump their garbage there.  In short, the landfill isn’t m

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