Two of them were from the Magic Valley.  Jack Nelsen is from Jerome and represents District 26 in the State House of Representatives.  Clay Handy is from Cassia County and serves in the House from District 27.

Credit Unsplash. Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash
Credit Unsplash. Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

I wouldn’t say either guy supports same-sex marriage.  However, they may believe the entire effort to petition the United States Supreme Court is a waste of time.  Supporters remember the original decision 10 years ago was close, with Justice Anthony Kennedy breaking the tie.  Kennedy is now gone and the court has a new composition.  This is the same court that returned the abortion issue to the states in overturning Roe v. Wade.

I don’t support marriage between two people of the same gender, but I’m on record saying marriage isn’t anything the government should be involved with.  Why does anyone need permission to get married?  The government uses it to manipulate the tax code, which is done for social engineering purposes.  You can promote strong families without tilting the playing field.

Government involvement pressures churches to recognize same-sex unions.  Conservatives won’t always have the ball in their court, and people of faith could face persecution for not recognizing a marriage.

The definition of marriage has changed.  You may disagree, but we no longer marry to protect thrones or property.  People marry for romantic reasons, and many of these unions falter when the romance is gone.

The House’s request now moves on to the State Senate.  If it ever reaches the high court, it asks the justices to turn over the decision on marriage to individual states.

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