Anyone Else Notice Weird Things Going On At Twin Falls Gas Pumps?
Are we the only ones that have noticed weird things going on at Twin Falls gas pumps? Even if you ignore the fact that gas prices are painful to my wallet, there are some other weird things going on.
We have had four different instances where gas pumps around the area have acted strange. We had one person state that they were cut off from gas at a gas pump at $125 dollars. You would think that it was because the tank was full, but it wasn't. Yes, there was money on the card, no it wasn't overdrawn, there was no real explanation. I don't know what is stranger about this story, the pump cutting off or the fact that it still didn't fill his tank.
We got another similar story from a different gas pump at a different gas station. This person said that they were cut off at $75 dollars. Again, same scenario. There was money on the card, it was not overdrawn, and there was no reason it should have been cut off. Again, it is sad, but the $75 dollars did not fill up the gas tank.
In another strange instance, this person was filling up their car and the pump handle clicked like the tank was full. We have all done that. But, the weird thing was that the pump said the tank was full when in all actuality, it had about 4 more gallons. They kept topping off the tank, the pump kept clicking, and another four gallons were put into the vehicle.
There is some strange stuff happening at different gas pumps around Twin Falls, other than the prices per gallon. The one thing that I have noticed about gas in my Kia is it appears that the gas mileage is not nearly as high. I am now getting about 18 miles to the gallon when I used to get 26 or higher. That could be my problem though, not a gas problem. I am sure it is due for some maintenance.
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