Visiting the Mormon Tabernacle a Lifelong Dream
Growing up, we had some very basic Christmas albums at our house.
As they stood in the back, the guide dropped a pin near the choir loft.
One was German language (I could still recognize the tunes). Another favorite was well worn. It was the sound of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. You may also recall many families gathering around the radio to hear the Christmas concert from Salt Lake City.
Scratch another line off my bucket list. Over the weekend, I visited the Tabernacle. I missed one very important element of the tour. The pin drop. A friend tells me he was in the Boy Scouts in 1956 and his Troop made the visit. As they stood in the back, the guide dropped a pin near the choir loft. The sound could be heard throughout the building. It’s an acoustic marvel. It’s also a marvel for the eyes. I’ll point out I also thought it would be larger. It’s very cozy inside.
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