7 More Places You Really Should Visit In Twin Falls Besides The Falls And Bridge
I've lived in Twin Falls for more than a decade and I'm still finding cool new places to visit around town. When you first move here or come visit for a vacation, people always tell you that you need to see the Shoshone Falls and the Perrine Bridge. While that is definitely true, there are a lot of other great places to visit that nobody ever mentions. Depending on what you want, an active adventure or a chill experience, the list below will give you some new ideas on how to spend your time while in Twin Falls. I'll also include a bonus location at the end of the list if you want to branch out of Twin Falls Just a bit.
7 More Must See Places In Twin Falls
As an added bonus, you can travel just a few minutes outside of town to visit the Hagerman area for the hot springs, Ritter Island, and my favorite hike to Box Canyon. Or head south of town into the South Hills for camping, hiking, Ross Falls, a hummingbird sanctuary in the summer, and the Magic Mountain Ski Resort in the winter.

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