After Texas, Liberals Promise to Grab Your Guns (Opinion)
I read where one liberal writer questions the “good guy with a gun” claim as saving lives in Texas. He says 26 people are still dead.
If you liberals think you’re going to initiate gun confiscation, then you’re welcome to go door-to-door
Would he have preferred 36, 46 or 86 because we don’t know if the shooter would’ve carried on his massacre across the street or elsewhere? Apparently, nobody was armed at church. Someone on the outside fired at the bastard and the coward dropped his rifle and ran.
Gun control is a fantasy. There are 400 million firearms in private hands. An amazing number and consider as a percentage how few are actually used in crimes. The Texas shooter was barred from owning firearms and it didn’t stop him. If you liberals think you’re going to initiate gun confiscation, then you’re welcome to go door-to-door.
Maybe the shooter would've never materialized if not for his atheism. He's the product of faith confiscation!