ALERT: Scientists Warn Idaho Will Get Even Drier
If you think our drought is bad, it could get a lot worse. I came across a story today from a website called phys.org. It details changes in the global water supply and suggests we haven’t seen the worst yet in the west and intermountain west. The drying up of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is expected to continue. On the other hand, is it inevitable? The only constant in history is changed. The globe has been warming since the end of the last ice age (with some fits and starts). If the Atlantic Conveyor would suddenly cease, the climate would quickly resemble what it looked like 12,000 years ago.
The historical record also shows droughts can be cyclical. The ones that last 30 years aren’t uncommon. A friend of mine is a climate scientist and he explained to me a few years ago that California has experienced droughts that have lasted two centuries. Within the human history of North America.
Instead of shutting down civilization to appease the global warming gods, maybe we could rely on modern technology for solutions. Nuclear power anyone? It doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. Piping water in from the Great Lakes? I’ve brought that one up in the past. Some called it a silly idea, but I’ve seen research that explains it can be done and is within affordable parameters. We need to stop screaming the sky is falling and get to work on some projects.
Belly aching isn’t a solution. It just wastes time. By the way, if the drought suddenly ends and we get 100 years of pristine conditions, you would still have the technology ready for the next lengthy dry spell.

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