Ammon Bundy Denies Domestic terrorism Conspiracy
Are a group of western state lawmakers a terrorist cell? Washington State Legislator Matt Shea has been booted from the House’s Republican Caucus over accusations he assisted and helped plan domestic terrorism. Shea represents a district near Spokane and has close ties to some legislators in Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. They’ve formed a coalition with a stated goal of looking out for ranching, logging and mining interests.
A Shea ally, Representative Heather Scott, represents a large geographic district in North Idaho (I’ve met Scott and she has been a guest in the KLIX studio).
I’m not clear who did the actual investigation but there are claims Shea helped orchestrate the take-over of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge nearly 4 years ago.
An investigation commissioned by legislators in Washington State designated Shea a terrorist. I’m not clear who did the actual investigation but there are claims Shea helped orchestrate the take-over of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge nearly 4 years ago. The brief occupation by land rights advocates involved Idaho’s Ammon Bundy. The Shea report maintains Shea and Bundy plotted the refuge seizure in advance. Bundy denies the claim.
From what I can see in the report, Scott was asked to find a good bail bondsman after there was an attempt by the federal government to take away the guns of an old Navy veteran. Even the Sheriff stepped in to prevent the confiscation at the veteran’s Idaho home. Shea apparently expected arrests of people supporting the old man. I’m not sure locating a bail bondsman rises to the level of a crime.
Scott also was part of a government briefing during the Malheur standoff and visited Bundy and his associates at the site in January of 2016. None of this is a mystery. She was quite public about it at the time.
Ammon Bundy is questioning the motives of the latest investigation. He posted a YouTube video and also believes media doesn’t have all the facts.
You can watch the Bundy video below:
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