An Idaho Newspaper Sides With Drug Dealers
How much dope would a dope smoke if a dope could smoke dope? Ever met anyone who worked at a newspaper? Smartest person in the room.
If the paper is arguing for turning loose criminals then let's first ask the public if it wants the chaff on the streets
Just ask him. The Lewiston Tribune, the gold standard for people in the Idaho newspaper business (starting salary, $17,500) is making an effort to derail prison expansion in Idaho. The paper argues too many first time offenders are behind bars.
In response, Idaho's Prosecuting Attorneys did some research and determined those "first time" offenders had already failed drug programs, had other criminal issues and even in some cases were in the United States illegally. The picture you see above is the compilation from the prosecutors. They reviewed every drug case in the state where the offenders went to prison.
If the paper is arguing for turning loose criminals then let's first ask the public if it wants the chaff on the streets. Or write an editorial (which most people won't read) about your own dope smoking pleasures and argue for legalization. The Prosecuting Attorney's are following the laws. It's their constitutional directive.
For more on how the Lewiston paper misleads the public, click here.