Beto’s Hot Air Doesn’t Make A Gun Grab
If you thought your personal firearms were dangerous, you would’ve gotten rid of them already. I should think it’s a reasonable assumption. At the moment, Beto O’Rourke may be the best salesman your local gun shop has ever had!
O’Rourke is a desperate man polling between 2 and 4 percent among his fellow travelers in the Democrat Party field.
The Texan running distantly in hopes of becoming your next President apparently plans to personally confiscate your AR-15’s, although. He maintains many gun owners will do the dirty work for him. During an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, O’Rourke insisted his plan would pass constitutional muster. He then went on to say several gun owners have told him they would surrender their rifles if it would save the lives of children (I guess they must be planning something big).
O.K., then why wait for Beto’s confiscation order? If these people know their AR-15’s are going to waddle away and kill someone at any moment, why haven’t the owners melted them into plowshares?
O’Rourke is a desperate man polling between 2 and 4 percent among his fellow travelers in the Democrat Party field.
A few things to keep in mind. As the country’s most popular rifle, the AR-15 passes the Supreme Court’s common use test. It’s not going anywhere. Confiscation and gun registries have terrible success rates across the English speaking world.
More people are killed by other people using fists, handguns and knives than by people using rifles. O’Rourke and his cohorts plan on you being ignorant of these facts.
Lastly, most local Sheriffs have no plans to knock down the doors of previously law-abiding people in order to grab guns. They also like hunting with AR-15’s and have other priorities, like drunk drivers, burglars and rapists. Beto is making a lot of noise. Not much else.