UPDATE: Blaze Ignites Near Malta
MALTA, Idaho (KLIX) Fire crews are working to suppress a fire that started northwest of Malta Sunday. According to Bureau of Land Management spokes person Kelsey Brizendine, the Coe Fire is about five miles northwest of the small community in the Cotterel Hills. A number of equipment and crews are working to contain this fire: Albion Rural Fire Department, five Twin Falls District BLM engines, one Sawtooth National Forest Engine, three dozers, Sawtooth Hotshots type one hand crew, two type two hand crews, one camp crew, four overhead, several aircraft. The fire was first reported at 11:30 a.m. Sunday. Officials estimate the fire will be fully controlled by mid-week. The Coe Fire so far has burned roughly 1,500 acres of juniper and brush. BLM says no structures are threatened.
The National Weather Service in Pocatello posted these photos on their Facebook page of the Coe Fire:
Estimated area of where the fire is burning: