KETCHUM, Idaho – Idaho is a state that is home to a variety of species of bumblebee – but many of them face an uncertain future.

The cause of their decline isn’t readily understood, but one thing is for certain: these pollinators contribute to the state's agriculture, and so their decline is even more dour than it at first appears.

On March 15, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden in Ketchum, the Pacific Northwest Bumblebee Project that comprises agencies in Idaho, Washington and Oregon will present a forum about bumblebees, their contribution to agriculture and other aspects of life, and the problems currently facing them.

According to the Botanical Garden:

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Xerces Society have partnered to help complete that story and to better understand the status of our native bumble bees. With a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Project Director Ross Winton (Idaho Department of Fish and Game) is embarking on an ambitious 3-year project to better understand native bees in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Ross Winton, regional wildlife biologist with the Wildlife Diversity Program of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, will be the guest speaker.

If interested, cost is $10 for SBG members and $12 for nonmembers. To register, click here. Questions or more information: 208-726-9358.

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