Danger, Danger, Danger! Idaho Tesla Drivers Get a Warning
I see more and more electric cars on the local streets. Because I’ve written several stories about how I believe these are a no-go in much of Idaho (and elsewhere), I get nasty emails from people telling me how nice their Tesla or Nissan Leaf perform. Again, let me stress, I’m not talking about individual performance, however. Check out this link from the Washington Post. Some of these cars still need to have some bugs worked out.
I remember when I was buying my first new car (some decades ago) and was looking at a model that had just been introduced. Friends at work warned me I should wait a couple of years and allow Chrysler to work out any unforeseen issues. I didn’t buy the car. My dad bought one and it was fine.
EVs are Like Religion
Tesla has been building cars now for more than a decade. How much longer do people need to wait before technical issues get ironed out? I realize we get recalls on traditional vehicles. The thing is, the people driving electric vehicles have elevated their choice to an article of faith. It’s a sacrament. My current Chevy is simply a car, not a religious experience.
Feasible Someday but not Now
By the way, there are several reasons I’ve outlined in previous posts as to why I don’t believe EVs are an answer. Lack of minerals and lack of electricity are among my points. There’s also a distance factor. Unlike crowded metropolitan areas, the long distances many need to conquer here discredit electric cars. Check out this link.
I realize the left will argue we need to invest in charging stations, but if there’s a market, it would’ve already responded. Oh, and as for government investment, it’s a train wreck.