Does Twin Falls Need Another Car Wash?
I suppose for many, the answer is no. After all, where are all the fields of which you stared when you were a child. My perspective is a bit different. The Friday after Independence Day I went to Mr. Wash and was in line before it opened. In line being the operative words.
What has the population boom wrought? A bigger hospital with more services. Wider roads and in most cases, better roads.
People aren’t putting up new banks, sub shops and car washes to chase small pieces of a customer pie. They’re building because the pie is growing. Especially on the north side and especially within view of Pole Line Road, where tens of thousands of shoppers travel every day.
What has the population boom wrought? A bigger hospital with more services. Wider roads and in most cases, better roads.
It has also employed construction workers, who get paid well above minimum wage. They buy bigger houses and new trucks and shop in all the existing stores. Somehow the positives get lost by a few members of the public. A couple of months ago, a whiner complained on our website about the new hotel going up by the Visitor Center. He said it would harm his view. What, when you leave Petco? Nobody lives at the pet store, aside from some orphaned cats.