Don’t Tell Anyone About These 2 Magic Valley Hidden Places that are Great to Visit
We are conflicted. It's cool that 2 of our "hidden" Magic Valley locations have just been called out for being must-visit places in Idaho. But, if we tell you what (and where) they are, the won't be hidden anymore. What to do?
Only In Your State loves the Magic Valley and we appreciate that. 2 of our most favorite locations made their 11 Hidden Places to Visit list. But, every time we mention one of our hidden places being awesome, more people go there and they aren't really hidden anymore.
To solve this dilemma, I'll give you the locations, but I'm gonna leave out some letters. Us locals will know what we're talking about while the outsiders will still be guessing. Clever, huh? Mom would have been proud.
Here's one that made the Only In Your State list:
B*x Cany*n
Here's another. Notice how mysterious we're being.
Bl*ck M*agic C*anyon
Here's my advice. Go check out the Only In Your State 11 Hidden Places to Visit list and share all of the locations that AREN'T in the Magic Valley. Then, all the outsiders will go to those places and we can enjoy our southern Idaho seclusion. Cool?