Families of Accused Boys in Twin Falls Sex Assault to Be Evicted
TWIN FALLS – The property manager at a Twin Falls apartment complex will evict the families of three young boys involved in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl earlier this month.
The announcement came in a written letter to residents at the Fawnbrook Apartments.
The boys are 14, 10 and 7 years old. The case gained notoriety after the boys were mistakenly identified online as Syrian refugees.
Twin Falls police have confirmed that it was not Syrian refugees who were involved in the sexual assault that's said to have taken place at the Fawnbrook Apartments back on June 2.
Instead, they say that of the three boys accused in that attack - two were from Sudan and the third was from Iraq.
The 10-year-old and the 14-year-old have been charged and were taken into custody. Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs says it's not legal to hold a 7-year-old in custody.
The College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center in Twin Falls has processed thousands of refugees through its program, but says that it has no record of the boys ever coming through its program.
The center said in its 30 years of operation it has had very few incidents involving any of its refugees.
But this case -- wrought with inaccuracies and rumor -- has cast a negative light on refugees as a whole.
"For our refugees it has gone very smoothly, until Syria became a trigger word, and refugees from Syria became a knee jerk fear," said CSI spokesman Doug Maughan. "We are always concerned when these things come up, and when they do we try to redouble our efforts and make sure we have people in place to counter those lies and innuendo, so far we haven't had any terribly ugly incidents of retaliation, we hope it stays that way."
The case is sealed, so very few details are available at this time.
Meanwhile, the manager at the Fawnbook Apartments has sent a letter to the residents saying he will evict the families of the boys accused in this attack. No word on whether those families will fight that eviction.