Film Depicts Liberals Killing Trump Voters
Imagine I produced a movie depicting the bloody deaths of liberals. As a conservative, I would set the film on a game preserve and the leftists would be hunted down like vermin. Audiences could cheer as each and every Democrat in the picture met an end with an arrow in the back or a face blown off by a shotgun.
You know well the mainstream media would be enraged. It would blame rhetoric from the President. Talking heads would appear on MSDNC and CNN and denounce me as a white nationalist hell-bent on a modern Final Solution. Distribution for the production would be halted. There would be demands for boycotts and my career would be finished.
libs are just smarter than the rest of us and anyone with even limited intelligence knows this as fact. If you don’t know it, you’re an inbred idiot and should die to improve the gene pool.
Now change a few small details. A filmmaker flips the script and conservatives are hunted by liberals and slaughtered without mercy. “Now that’s funny!” is the reaction from Chris Matthews, Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow. Universal Studios calls it satire and suggests Republicans have no sense of humor. We’re told it’s a fictional response to the reality of conservatives drowning kids in the Rio Grande and those we don’t submerge are caged.
No one, we’re told, is suggesting we actually die, because unlike those of us on the right, liberals can separate elimination pornography from Presidential tweets. Because, well, libs are just smarter than the rest of us and anyone with even limited intelligence knows this as fact. If you don’t know it, you’re an inbred idiot and should die to improve the gene pool.
The movie, titled the Hunt, is set for release next month. Liberals should read the meme making the Internet circles: “One side has 18-trillion rounds of ammunition. The other isn’t sure which bathroom to use!” Any serious conflict would be over in two weeks.
You can watch the movie trailer below.
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