Green Energy Dreams Are Faltering in Idaho
I guess the tree-hugging, granola-gobbling, and Prius-driving left has mixed feelings. By now, they’ve finally figured out that their green economy and favorite electronic gadgets need plenty of rare earth minerals and electricity. Up until now, I’m sure many of the hemp clothing-wearing stoners thought all you needed was to sprinkle pixy dust. We’ve frequently mentioned child slave labor is providing much of what the American left wants when it comes to their lifestyle. What they don’t want is mining in their own backyard.
They’ve been granted one conflicting wish. The cobalt mining operation planned in Idaho’s central highlands has hit a temporary roadblock. You can read more by clicking this link. Mining may not just be a threat to their favorite wilderness, it turns out that it’s really expensive. For the time being.
The wind industry is no longer a bargain either. We’ve seen numerous stories like the one that I spotted this morning. Offshore turbines planned for construction in Europe are faltering. I guess the indebted nations of the west can’t always offer subsidies to politically connected firms to build giant pinwheels.
Does this make the abject morons of the left somewhat confused?
You claim we’re destroying the planet. Then you offer alternatives that destroy birds, whales, and rivers. Any moment I expect you’ll all look like confused fem-bots and smoke will pour from your ears and your heads will explode.
I mentioned it yesterday. We need nuclear power. One modular could power 25,000 homes and businesses. Simple fixes and electricity will become so cheap that you may get a check once a month.