Grizzly Bear Euthanized in North Idaho
PORTHILL, Idaho (KLIX)-A grizzly bear in Northern Idaho had to be euthanized late last week following attacks on livestock. According to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, the decision to trap the adult grizzly was made after repeated attacks on livestock near Porthill, in Boundary County. Conservation officers had gotten a report of four sheep killed by a grizzly on August 2, another two where inured. Idaho Fish and Game said this comes after several incidents during the spring and summer between livestock and grizzly bears in the Panhandle Region. A trap was set to catch the grizzly. On August 4, the adult grizzy was captured and euthanized out of concern for the public and livestock.Due to the bear’s repeated behaviors of killing livestock within close proximity of a home, the bear was euthanized after it was captured. "Due to the bear’s repeated behaviors of killing livestock within close proximity of a home, the bear was euthanized after it was captured," said Idaho Fish and Game in a statement. Because grizzly bears are federally protected the decision was made after consulting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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