Guess Who Sat With Redskin’s Owner At Sunday’s Game!
Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder was seen Sunday sitting with the outgoing president of the Navajo Nation as the NFL team continues taking heat for not changing its name, a term considered derogatory by many Native Americans.
- Steve Millington with the Twin Falls Republicans will join us at 8:30.
- Ray Parrish with the Twin Falls Kiwanis Club talks about October-Feast.
- Idaho's ban on gay marriage is officially lifted...Halloween displays of body-less heads are considered "politically incorrect" this year...the goofy looking fat boy who runs North Korea has reappeared, much to the chagrin of many.
Kelly Klaas and Benito Baeza on Top Story, 8 to 10 a.m. on News Radio 1310 KLIX.