Have You Seen This 60 Year Old Video Of Twin Falls?
You might recognize these people and some of the scenery. While doing a search for a video I stumbled across this gem from the late 1950s. What a tremendous look at life not only in the Magic Valley but also northern Idaho.
My family wasn’t much for film cameras.
For people who tell us life was nothing to crow about in the 50s and 60s, I disagree.
My parents took piles and piles of still photos but I was always impressed by neighbors who had grainy moving pictures of their lives. For people who tell us life was nothing to crow about in the 50s and 60s, I disagree.
In one scene in this video I thought I recognized a house in the background located on a numbered street in the Old Town section of Twin Falls. Just off Shoshone Street.
The city was obviously much more compact at the time. You can watch the video below: