For Hillary, for spacious clothes, for amber waves of dye, for purple pants Her Majesty, above the U.S. law!

O Hillary!  O Hillary!  You shed your grace on God, and crown your head with sisterhood from shrew to whining shrew!

Hillary feigns cheer! KLIX Library.
Hillary feigns cheer! KLIX Library.

O beautiful for comfort shoes, whose soft souls give me strength.  A thoroughfare for Bill to cheat across the wilderness!  O Hillary!  O Hillary!  She mends all our flaws, confirm no soul but self-control, thy criminal in law!


O Hillary for same-sex crowd in liberal spite.

Who more than country loved herself, and Huma more than Bill!  O Hillary, O Hillary!  May God campaign for you, till all success be monarchy and Rodham Queen Divine!


O Hillary for nightmare dream, you’ve worn beyond the years, thine wrinkled alabaster skin, much dimmed by human fears!

O Hillary, O Hillary!  You shed your grace on God, and crown thy Queen with sisterhood, from shrew to whining shrew!








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