If you see an officer on the side of the road monitoring speed, should you tip off fellow drivers, or let those breaking the rules get caught and pay the price?
To most of us, summer means driving through school zones is no longer an issue in the Magic Valley, but before you get too excited that may not be the case.
What would you do? What would you do if you are driving down the road in Idaho and see lights behind you, that belong to a car that isn't marked as a police officer?
What would you do? What would you do if you are running late and you find yourself rushing until you realize you have a police officer in front of you?
If you are looking to make a good impression and stay on good terms with the people living around you, here are some things you can do to become a good neighbor.
This last week, I took a ride with an officer for a night. Here are some of the observations I made, and why being a police officer in Twin Falls is far from boring.
They decide to take these risks every day to protect us, but when comparing their job to other states, is Idaho the best place to be a cop in today's world?
One of the earliest reality series to be produced which featured law enforcement from across the United States carrying out arrests has been removed from the lineup of a major pay-to-stream network.
Is it a "second chance" or a ridiculous idea? The Idaho Republican Party has named former Senator Larry Craig as the finance chairman for the party. What do you think?
The Rob Green Turkey Trot is coming up...
We will have the cops with the "bad guys" list at 8:30
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It's the video that has gone viral by the Obamacare architect...Mr. Jonathan Gruber.
The cops will have the "bad guys" list today at 8:30.
Join Kelton Hatch from Idaho Fish & Game with your questions and comments at 9.
Comet space probe "Philae" may be in trouble!
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