Idaho Capitol Christmas Tree to Go Up November 22
BOISE, Idaho (KLIX)-The Idaho Statehouse will begin to look a lot like Christmas Monday when crews cut, load, and relocate the Capitol Christmas Tree. The Office of Governor Brad Little announced the tree will be cut at around 9 a.m. November 22, at a Boise property northwest of the Capitol, loaded onto a truck and moved about a mile and a half for display. This year the tree has been donated by David, Lisa, and Delaney Beale. “After agonizing with what to do with this gorgeous tree that was planted too close to our home, we came to the unfortunate realization that the tree must be removed,” David Beale said in a prepared statement. “Almost simultaneously, we received a surprise knock on our door from the State, asking us if we would be interested in donating our tree to become the Capitol Christmas Tree. That visit was an absolute blessing. Yes, this fine tree needed to be removed, but to go out serving as a beacon of the holiday season for the steps of the Capitol building, we could not be more pleased, or ask for a sweeter outcome!” THe Idaho Department of Lands will cut the tree down while Boise Crane will load it onto an Idaho Department of Transportation truck that will haul it to the Statehouse with Boise City Police escort. The Governor's Office said there will not be a public tree-lighting ceremony this year instead, the Idaho Department of Administration's Facility Services crews will start decorating the tree with lights the next day after the tree is installed.

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