Idaho Fish and Game Proposes Increase to Wolf Hunting, Public Asked to Comment
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-The Idaho Department of Fish and Game plans to increase the number of wolves that can be killed and expand the areas where they can be hunted.
Fish and Game is asking the Idaho public to comment on a proposed seven extensions to this year's wolf hunting season and two changes to increase areas to wolf trapping and extending the season. The public has until Feb. 10 to review the proposals and make comments. After publishing an estimate on the wolf population in Idaho recently, Fish and Game said in a statement the population is well above the federal recovery criteria of 150 wolves and 15 breeding pairs. "Since the federal government lifted Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in 2011, the Fish and Game Commission has expanded wolf seasons incrementally in response to increases in depredations on livestock and predation on other big game species," according to Fish and Game.
The agency estimated the wolf population hit its peak in the summer of 2019 at a little more than 1,500 animals. Fish and Game said the wolf predation on livestock is persistent in specific areas of the state and would happen if the species population grows in southern Idaho. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will review the proposals after the public comment period is complete. You can find the proposals and make a comment HERE.