Idaho Group Arrives At Oregon Standoff To Prevent Another Waco Tragedy
Leave it to us Idaho people to come to the rescue. If you're following the Oregon standoff with Ammon Bundy's group, you're probably aware of the details of their anti-government sentiments. What you may not know is a group called "3% of Idaho" is now also a part of the situation.
Oregon Live is reporting that the Idaho group is hoping to "prevent another Waco situation".
Members of a group from outside Oregon arrived on Friday at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to "secure a perimeter" around the compound and prevent "a Waco-style situation."
The arrival of the "3% of Idaho" was the latest development in the situation outside Burns, where an armed occupation of the refuge by an Ammon Bundy-led militant group entered its seventh day.
"They just keep an eye on everything that is going on" to make sure "nothing stupid happens," Bundy said Friday afternoon outside refuge headquarters.
"If they weren't here," Bundy said, referring to the Idaho group, "I'd worry" about a Waco-style siege by federal officials.
If you want more details of the standoff, there is now a Wikipedia page that has been created covering what's going on.