Idaho Leftists Promote Calvinball on Election Day
Idaho isn’t alone when it comes to voting on open primaries. The same happens on November 5th in Alaska, where open primaries and ranked-choice voting have been in place since 2022. Many voters there have soured on the system, even though they originally bought into the false arguments sold by people pushing petitions. Sound familiar?
The Wall Street Journal has been following the repeal effort. The Journal is behind a paywall. But I read the latest story and here’s the issue. A candidate listed as a Democrat on the ballot is currently serving a term in federal prison. He wants to win a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. As most of you know, it’s usually the other way around. You go from Congress to prison!
His party wants him off the ballot because their incumbent barely squeaked into office two years ago. The convict could siphon votes and send a Republican back to Washington.
You see, the liberals were too clever by half. They wanted the playing field altered to give them a footing in an increasingly conservative state. Now they want the referees to throw a flag because some fellow exploits their creation. A judge has ruled against the liberals and they’re beside themselves. Beware of what you want, for you may surely get it.
The smug backers of open primaries and ranked-choice voting in Idaho could face the same pitfalls in the future. Of course, they’ll engage in Calvinball and attempt to change the rules once more. We can end their devious plot by voting “NO!” on Proposition 1.