Idaho Man Fine With Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays
Is there a war on Christmas? From what I’ve seen, not in Idaho. As for elsewhere, I would say it’s a war on Christianity and the secularists haven’t separated the holiday from the faith. There will be Christmas even if you remove the tinsel, trees, and toys. The miscreants among the woke also don’t appear to know Christmas isn’t the biggest Christian holiday. That would be Easter. Without the Resurrection, Christmas would simply be about the birth of a baby. Any baby.
What really bothers the lefties isn’t that they feel excluded (it’s a self-induced exclusion) but that almost everybody else is having a good time. Heck, even many non-Christians put up trees and pass out gifts. Because it feels good! This must drive the angry atheists and academics to apoplexy.
Christmas is culturally so large, its enemies can’t get a foothold. Some of them have instead targeted Thanksgiving but this year I didn’t see the usual bellyaching about gluttony and land theft. Guess that also turned into a dead end.
Yet, there are still attempts from people who desperately want to be noticed. They’re now targeting comedic actor Tim Allen. White, straight, and Republican, he personifies much of what the politically correct ghouls despise. He’s also a success, where his critics aren’t.
Allen has played Santa Claus in several films and has returned to the role for the Disney Channel, where his character bemoans the current culture where some find they can’t say Merry Christmas. For a vocal minority, this is an offense because it’s not inclusive. Which is odd in that Santa isn’t associated with any other holiday or faith. That Allen hasn’t groveled and issued an apology makes him an even greater villain.
Getting back to Idaho, objections over Merry Christmas produce nothing more than an eye roll.
I’ll add one more related thought. When I’m in a store and my Merry Christmas draws a Happy Holidays, I’m fine. The worker is just following instructions and I love Perry Como’s rendition of Happy Holidays.