Let Your Voice Be Heard About Fish and Game Rules Before Next Legislative Session
(KLIX) – If you’re an Idaho outdoorsman- or woman, you know that there’s always something going on with the Great Outdoors.
This time it is an opportunity to comment on proposed Idaho Department of Fish and Game rules published in the Idaho Administrative Rules September Bulletin.
Hunters, anglers and trappers are encouraged to comment, according to the department, but other interested individuals may do so as well.
Fish and Game said that the rules to comment on include the following:
- Limit nonresident participation on general season big game hunts without reducing resident opportunity.
- Reduce tag buyer congestion for highly competitive general season capped tags
- Ban the import of live mule deer, white-tailed deer, moose and wild-origin elk.
- Change minimum age to hunt turkey with a Hunting Passport and Designation of Locations Requiring Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Upland Game Permits.
The proposed rules were adopted by the Fish and Game Commission, and must be approved by the 2020 Idaho Legislature to become effective.
Those wishing to let their vice be heard may submit their comments by fax, mail or email by Sept. 25 to:
Paul Kline, Deputy Director
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
P.O. Box 25
Boise, ID 83707
Fax: (208) 334-4885 or email: rules@idfg.idaho.gov