Magic Valley Counties to Get Federal Disaster Relief
BOISE, Idaho (KLIX) Six Magic Valley Counties will get federal disaster help after President Donald Trump signed a declaration Friday. According to the Idaho Governor's Office, a total of 11 southern Idaho counties will benefit from the Presidential Disaster Declaration. Those counties included Bingham, Cassia, Elmore, Franklin, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls and Washington counties. Damage assessments for those counties exceed $30 million dollars. Funds will support repair effort from damage that happened between Feb 5 and March 3.
We are grateful that President Trump acted quickly to support parts of Idaho struggling through one of our worst weather-related disasters in recent memory,” Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter said in a news release. “But it’s important to remember that areas of Idaho beyond these 11 counties also were impacted and now face the threat of serious flooding as a result of our heavy winter snowfall. This is great news, and there should be more to come.”
According to the governor, the state is appealing the denial of a Presidential Disaster Declaration for Ada, Canyon, Custer, Payette and Washington Counties that sustained widespread snow damage in December last year.
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