Man shot by police files $9M claim against city in Idaho
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A man shot by police in Idaho and left with permanent injuries has filed a claim seeking $9 million in damages, an attorney said.
Tyler Rambo, 19, and his attorney Rick Baughman filed the claim Friday against the city of Coeur d'Alene after he was shot at least 10 times on July 4, The Spokesman-Review reported Monday. His injuries led to the amputation of his legs.
"The unnecessary and unwarranted gunfire into Mr. Rambo resulted in lifetime injuries," Baughman said. "He will need assisted living, physical therapy and occupational therapy. The weekly cost for these services is in excess of $3,000."
Rambo remains in custody on $1 million bond after being charged with attempted murder and assault stemming from a fight and shooting, authorities said. They say Rambo encountered officers after running from the scene.
Police told Rambo to stop 15 times and attempted to shock him with a stun gun, but its barbs did not penetrate, Police Chief Lee White said. The officers reported that Rambo then turned toward them and fired a single round before they returned fire.
Rambo's attorney disputed the events, saying the shock caused Rambo to involuntarily discharge a gun near police before they opened fire.
Baughman declined further comment Monday to the newspaper.
Coeur d'Alene City Attorney Mike Gridley confirmed the city received the claim. He declined comment.
Idaho State Police completed an investigation two weeks ago and forwarded findings to the Bonner County prosecutor.