Muslims Kill Christians Every Day
Muslims kill Christians every day. When it comes to crime on a daily basis, I suppose Christians kill Muslims. During robberies, out of jealousy and in anger over perceived personal wrongs, however. A year ago, I shared an opinion piece on-air (I believe from the Wall Street Journal). It got the audience highly involved judging by telephone calls. Muslim terrorists kill non-Muslims daily somewhere around the world.
Burning, shootings, bombings, beheading and hangings. The death toll is a few or scores.
Three people in Kenya gunned down won’t make the front pages in newspapers in America. Apparently, 40 people massacred in Nigeria also isn’t news. These religious crimes are frequent and vary in manner. Burning, shootings, bombings, beheading and hangings. The death toll is a few or scores. On a weekly and monthly total, the figure can number hundreds. No wall-to-wall coverage on TV and rarely a front page.
This isn’t excusing the horrible crime in New Zealand, although. It offers perspective about the decision-making process of mainstream media. Christian = oppressor. Muslim = victim.
A young man who came to Twin Falls and filmed a documentary on refugee resettlement challenged my assertion. I posted my media complaint on Facebook and he demanded evidence. As if with his frequent downtime he couldn’t consult Google? During a commercial break I posted a dozen links. He went silent.
Liberal = mainstream media. Liberals are in denial. What’s new? Below a smattering of links related to crimes in the name of the Prophet: