Nimrods and Idaho Snowplows Still Don’t Mix
Why would anyone want to tangle with a snowplow? Last winter I would’ve thought the message would’ve gotten out, as there were a string of accidents involving Idaho plows. This winter, it looks like we’re off to the races once again.
A plow is a big heavy truck carrying a heavy load. It frequently has more wheels than your car or truck. Imagine a 14-year-old going up against a defensive lineman. The latter usually wins. Yet, every winter, it appears people somehow believe that speeding past a plow on a slick road will get them to Granny’s house a split second faster.
It’s a good way to get killed. Unless you have a death wish, why chance it? Think about why a plow is out in the first place. Because the road is in bad shape. Therefore, being a Yahoo and racing ahead of the rig puts you on a slippery foundation.
My guess is the drivers who leave behind their noggins are all 25 and have a belief they’re invincible and that their truck is invincible. You know the type of guy I’m talking about. Once I had a fellow like that roar past me in a snowstorm. When I reached my exit, he was in the ditch on the other side of the road. A deep ditch and his rear wheels were pointing up in the air. His tricked-outstruck also had a lot of damage. I guess he couldn’t afford any Christmas presents after paying for repairs.
He was lucky, though. He survived. Otherwise, there would’ve been one less present under the tree. Of course, you could argue the gene pool would be better as a result.

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