Above the national average but still much better than a year ago.  According to Triple A, about 30 to 35 cents a gallon better than October of 2019.  Also, last week I was traveling in Oregon and my impression was the price at the pumps is much higher on the Left Coast.  The best price I saw was just under 2.50 a gallon and in some places it was running at close to 2.80 a gallon.

Coming home, I passed a gas station in Caldwell and the price was below 2.20.  I thought it was good to be back home.  Monday morning, very early, I was driving to work and passed the pumps at the Twin Falls Walmart.  Also under 2.20 for unleaded regular.  My unscientific research (my own observation) usually proves the city’s lowest cost is Walmart or Costco and sometimes Maverick on Blue Lakes Boulevard. 

We don‘t have a lot of refineries in our backyard and the cost of shipping to our gas stations is added into the final bite

We’re told one of the factors in our often higher statewide pricing is location.  We don‘t have a lot of refineries in our backyard and the cost of shipping to our gas stations is added into the final bite, although.

Wasn’t it four or five years ago we had an increase in gasoline tax?  If I recall it was a partial solution to paying for badly needed road repairs.  Mainstream media and the tradespeople said it wasn’t nearly enough.  The former never met a tax it didn’t like and the latter often feeds at the public trough.

Come January and the possibility of one-party rule in Washington, you could expect even higher costs for gasoline.  The argument is discouraging driving saves the planet and funds green technologies.  Hey, we could all be taking horse drawn coaches and wading through knee deep horse manure after 4 years of Biden-Harris.  Enjoy!


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