Opinion: Brad Little Doesn’t Want a Second Term
State Police received high praise. From Governor Brad Little and several state legislators. This followed last week’s special session at the Capitol. Troopers made some arrests for trespassing and on day one had to work with a large crush of spectators. For the most part, it looks as if it was a textbook law enforcement action, however.
The Governor also made a statement disparaging the crowd of onlookers.
The Governor also made a statement disparaging the crowd of onlookers. Many of whom were likely attending their very first session. They didn’t know what to expect. I was in studio and watching several live stream pictures of the three days of activity by the House and Senate. From what I could see, most people in the galleries and at hearings simply were observing and quietly.
To paint them all as wild-eyed extremists is itself extreme. It’s the reaction of an elitist. As one of the Governor’s former associates told me earlier this summer, Brad Little has had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth. It’s where he differs from “Butch” Otter. The previous Governor knew some adversity in life and I’d like to believe he would’ve had a somewhat more muted response to what transpired last week. Otter certainly had better people skills.
As for law enforcement, much of what I viewed was standard but a video making the rounds of Facebook suggests it may not have been perfect. An acquaintance from North Idaho says he has watched from several angles and can’t excuse the behavior of one trooper.
You can see one of the angles in the video from a Facebook post I captured. It’s directly below:
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