Opinion: It’s Time for Brad Little to Drop the COVID Con
Idaho is ranked among the states with the least onerous COVID-19 restrictions. WalletHub lists the state as second. I believe it’s a move up from a ranking of fourth a couple of months ago. I’m sure the Governor’s office will tell us we should stop complaining about our minimal restrictions. Yes, it could be worse. New York, New Jersey and California still have far greater restrictions.
This week I saw a story and it suggests lockdowns and other policies had very little (if any) impact on the transmission of COVID-19.
Look, if I lost 1,000 dollars on a shopping trip I’d be broken hearted. If I lost just 100 dollars I’d still be unhappy. Or for another analogy, should you be glad you only broke one leg instead of both? Most people want to be on both feet at all times. It’s how we were designed. The Founding Fathers also believed we were designed for maximum liberty. Having my head corseted in a mask isn’t my choice. Liberty and choice are synonyms.
This week I saw a story and it suggests lockdowns and other policies had very little (if any) impact on the transmission of COVID-19. Last weekend I was listening to Dave Ramsey and he mentioned a finding from the Centers for Disease Control. The survival rate for all infected age ranges is above 99 percent. The average age of people felled by coronavirus is 78, which matches the current life expectancy in the United States. I heard that statistic watching Tucker Carlson.
I guess we always have to qualify these points and say any death is a tragedy. Yes, from cancer, car accidents and COVID-19. Meanwhile, life must go on. We can’t live alone in our basements for the remainder of our days and it can’t be likely people will agree to wear masks for decades to come. There are actually some policy makers who believe the mask should become a permanent accessory.
Life involves risk. Otherwise, our earliest ancestors would’ve never fanned out and populated the earth. There would be no great inventions, no great investments and life expectancy for hunter gatherers would remain at 30 years. At some point even our Governor must realize he can’t keep us suspended indefinitely. I didn’t vote for a schoolmarm, scold or for someone to infantilize the people. I pay his salary!
Oh, and a guy he looks up to agrees with me: