Are you preparing your children and even your grandchildren for what is happening in America and what will be happening in their day? Let’s take a minute and just outline some things that are happening in America today that weren’t happening in our generations.

The border wars.  People wanting to come into America to get all the free stuff rather than coming here for work.

The drug wars… more violent and more widespread.

The religious wars.  Let’s face it.  America has a Christian background but today all the non-Christian religions from Atheism to Islam are working overtime to wipe out Christianity in this country.  If you think wiping out Christianity in this country isn’t the number one goal of many of these groups then I have some coast land in Kansas I will sell you.

The work wars.  So many people in America today are demanding whatever they can get for free.  America’s welfare system has become the end-goal for so many and the more babies they have the more help they can get for free.  And when those babies grow up they have the same goals and the cycle multiplies almost log rhythmically.

Profit wars.  Profit is becoming a dirty word.  If you’re making more than your neighbor you are expected to share.  Big companies are becoming known as “bad” people…greedy people.  Even though they provide jobs they are still bad people.

Ethnic wars. (Not race wars)  People don’t want to be Americans in America any more.  They want all the advantages and freebees that America has to offer but they don’t want to contribute to the cause.  They demand that those who WANT to be Americans yield to their beliefs and mores’ while still providing them with their “rights” to all that America has to offer.  We cannot be an America united when we are divided like that.  THE BIG LIE…AMERICA’S STRENGTH IS IN HER DIVERSITY!  THAT IS A LIE.  And whoever tried to shove that down our throats is a liar.  AMERICA’S STRENGTH IS IN A UNITED CAUSE.

The moral wars.  A country that abandons its morals cannot survive as a country.   I don’t care what you say or how you say it, the crossing of the sexes is NOT moral.  And a wise friend of mine told me years ago that if God doesn’t judge America for immorality he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.  America’s acceptance of homosexuality and abortion and other acts of immorality will be our downfall.  And we can sit here and try to justify it all through claims of “equality” and “law” and “fairness” but in the end none of that is going to make any difference.

Our kids don't have a lot to look forward to.  At least, not the same as we did growing up here in the carefree America of the last half of the last century.  Things are changing and we really need to tell our kids and grand kids.

The preceding is an opinion on my part and the views expressed are not necessarily those of Townsquare Media, its owners or other employees.

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