Performers Ready for 2012 Air Magic Valley
(KLIX) The 2012 Air Magic Valley airshow is set for this weekend. Nearly a dozen performers will be featured this year. Tickets can be purchased online at www.airmagicvalley.org or the following Ticket Outlets: King Discount Stores, Napa Auto Parts, Twin Stop Chevron, Rob Green Automotive, Ridley’s Family Markets, First Federal Savings, Happy Landing Restaurant and Reeder’s Flying Service.
Here is a list of performers for this years show.
- The U.S. Army Golden Knights (http://armygk.armylive.dodlive.mil ), who will perform the nation’s most difficult and spectacular live parachute demonstrations.
- Tim Weber (timweberairshows.com ), one of the nation’s most aggressive stunt pilots in addition to musician whose music is set to his performance. He flies the new GEICO MXS, which is specifically designed for hard-core aerobatics. He pulls an average of 10G's positive and 5G's negative per performance - without wearing a G-suit! Tim will arrive on Monday, July 23 for interviews and publicity opportunities.
- Jacquie Warda (www.jacquiebairshows.com ) will be flying her Extra EA-300 monoplane and will perform some of the fastest gyroscopic maneuvers that an air show can offer.
- Pietsch Airshow (www.pietschaircraft.com/airshows ) will perform a gut-busting flying comedy act, where it’s not unusual for parts to fall off the plane in mid-air and an RV can double as a runway.
- Matt Younkin (www.younkinair.com ), who flies the huge Beech 18, an aircraft never intended for aerobatic flight. The performance takes place with Younkin using the clumsy aircraft to perform graceful aerobatics to beautiful music
- Brad Wursten (www.poweradditionracing.com), flying the MXS-R aerobatic aircraft by MX Aircraft, Brad will bring power and performance to the show. Watch as he pushes the envelope of one of the most advanced aerobatic aircraft in the world today.
- Dave Erickson (www.ericksonair.com ), will fly his Super Chipmunk through smooth graceful aerobatic maneuvers that provide family thrilling fun for everyone.
- Dave Mathieson (superdaveairshows.com ), or Super Dave, flies the world’s most advanced aerobatic aircraft called the MX2. He is a true believer in chasing your dreams and uses airshows to inspire people young and old alike to show them all that every dream is possible if you just work hard at it.
- Bill Braack Smoke and Thunder (www.smoke-n-thunder.com ) – Hear the deafening roar of an engine, billowing clouds of smoke and reverberations of sonic booms. It’s not an aircraft but is the Air Force Reserve Jet Car preparing to race a plane.
- Dan Buchanan (www.danbuchananairshows.com ) – This award winning aerobatic hang glider relies on a wheelchair to get around on the ground, but flies a comedic routine that will keep you laughing and entertained throughout the performance.
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